Hello from West Fukuoka, a lovely, fast-growing suburb of the 6th-largest city in Japan and the largest city on Japan’s southwest main island of Kyushu. Fukuoka’s West Ward is home to over 210,000 out of Fukuoka’s 1.6 million. In Kyushu, including Fukuoka, there are even fewer evangelical churches per person than the national average. Many Japanese have yet to hear or understand the message of Jesus. Our team is prayerfully working towards a Spirit-driven, gospel-centered movement of multiplying disciples and churches in partnership with a local Japanese church.
Where are we?
We are in the beautiful Meinohama area on the coast. Our community is growing and diverse, with a mix of tall apartment buildings and houses, people of varying income levels, and nationally recognized Kyushu University. We enjoy convenient access to downtown Fukuoka, as well as to parks and natural areas.
Team Ministries
Lifestyle evangelism
We seek to make the most of relationships that God gives us through our normal lifestyle activities. For instance, we get to know the families of our children’s school friends, our neighbors, and people at the local park. We share about our Christ and invite them to learn more through gatherings around God’s Word.
Gospel-centered multiplication
We support our partnering church in evangelistic outreach and discipleship for children, youth, and adults. We encourage our Japanese brothers and sisters to grow in the the ministries of evangelism and discipleship in order to multiply workers and disciples in Japan.
Small group Bible study
As the Lord opens the door, we meet one-on-one or in small groups, in homes or online, to study the Bible with others. Sometimes we help someone understand the Scriptures for the first time, and other times we seek to establish and build up young Christians in the faith. In order to multiply leaders, we prefer the simple, reproducible Discovery Bible method.
Ministry Opportunities
College ministry
(including Venture and Edge short-term workers)
With Kyushu University nearby, we are seeking someone with college ministry experience. College is an important opportunity for the Japanese to become established in Christ before entering the workplace and starting families.
English ministry
(including Venture and Edge short-term workers)
We are seeking someone with an English teaching license and/or experience who also enjoy sharing Christ’s love with children, youth, and adults. Japanese of all ages are interested in improving their English.
Youth and children’s ministry
Children are the most spiritually open group in Japan. Opportunities for youth to find Christian community and discipleship are sadly rare. We are seeking someone with youth and/or children’s ministry experience.
Team Vision
The West Fukuoka team exists so that the people of West Fukuoka and beyond will find joy in Jesus, glorify God for His mercy, and multiply gospel-centered churches.
These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.
John 15:11
Gospel houses that multiply churches
Supporting our local church to establish missional home groups that develop leaders, grow and multiply disciples, and form new churches. Members learn to love Jesus and one another more, joyfully living out His gospel together in the community.
Gospel renewal
All Christians and their communities being continually renewed through the hope, joy, and love of the gospel of Jesus Christ, acknowledging our ongoing need for repentance, mercy, and growth in Christ.
Gospel driven service and stewardship
All Christians bringing whatever gifts and resources they have to Jesus to be used for His glory and the good of others.
Gospel laborers
Raising up more laborers and supporting God’s work in other locations around Japan and the world. We especially have a heart for gospel-centered churches to be established in each prefecture of Kyushu.
Team Values
Gospel community
The gospel teaches us to humbly love one another in committed, tangible ways, the way that Christ loves us.
Prayer and worship driven
Effective ministry flows from and is sustained by desperate prayer and grateful worship.
Teachable spirit
We seek to humbly grow and learn from others. We pursue wisdom and personal growth.
Team Members
Jonathan and Mika
After growing up in Virginia and growing as a Christian during college, Jonathan spent two years in Durban, South Africa doing basketball ministry. He received his MDiv degree from Columbia International University where he met Mika. Mika grew up in a rural Japanese home with Buddhist and Shinto traditions but moved to South Carolina to work as a Japanese and ESL teacher after graduating from Northern Arizona University. In South Carolina, Mika became a Christian and went to seminary at CIU where she met and married Jonathan. For the first six years of marriage, Jonathan worked as a math teacher, and Mika as a church administrative assistant. They moved with their two sons to Japan in 2016. After three years with the Launch team, they began working together with Fukuoka Megumi Church in West Fukuoka to reach out to the local community with the goal of multiplying disciples and churches.
Brian and Yoko
Brian also grew up in Virginia and, by God’s grace, began following Christ at a young age. Yoko grew up in a small city in a family with a strong Buddhist background. By God’s grace, Yoko came to Christ while at university. They met at a PIONEERS-planted church, married, and began serving together full-time as missionaries in 1998. They also assisted with church revitalization work, the start of the Launch team, and a biblical counseling and discipleship training ministry. In 2022, they and their three daughters joined the Hicks family in partnering with Fukuoka Megumi Church.
Get in touch if you’re curious about any of these programs or have questions for our team. We’d love to hear from you.